Ever since how long did i put up a long picture post?! like finally now! out with Avril ong for today! had awesome food, awesome color on my blackberry and awesome fun with polaroids and camera! Kuishinbo is so so good! try it! when i 1st took out my polaroid and snapped once, a mister asked me where i get it and stuff! hahaha, so i kept it! He even when ard suntec to try his luck if he can get it, but couldn't! ilovemypolaroid although many says the pink bling is too bling! took many pictures at the fountain and bused home tgt(; omg, since when did we last chatted for so long! imissmyfriends! );

got this when they shouting " Dong dong dong 123, KUISHIBO!" i was so much faster than AVRIL! there were only 30sets and people are running to queue! HHHAHAAH

My gmasked Hot pink BB!

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