Full shift today. morning was okay. but night, urrgh! just hate to do cashier and bar tgt. Zzz.. im like running here and there like a mad woman luhs. hate to do ice-cream especially! D; Supposingly working 11am tmr.. Emily asked me to start at 10am . Good thing.. more hours.. bad thing.. Less sleep! )):
Looking so forward to chalet! And twilight movie with my girls! (((:
Worked in the morning.. Ended at four.. Yongmin and i suddenly have the urge to eat steamboat! so we went to eat steamboat buffet.. HAHA! loveee it~! got bbq, teppanyaki blahhs~ Yongmin is damn funny.. firstly.. one guy helped us to put the live prawns into the steamboat.. den i opened the cap.. and the prawns was like jumping! HAHA! yongmin den spilled all her pepsi on her Num bagg.. D; Whhile we gonna have desserts.. we asked a guy for lighter to light our fondue.. he lighted, next; lighted dropped into the fondue :DDD We laughed till gonna cry man! fucking funny hah! We even did weird things like.. getting people to help us bbq marshmellows.. i think we are the only ones doing that D; But its nice to bbq luh! LOVEE IT! afterthat, went ph to find kris and all. Told them abt yongmin funny actions. LMAOS.
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