woke up at 9+. bathed and get ready. meeting kris and rachel @ compass 11.30pm. i was rather early. waited for dem. as usual, all were late D; went to mrt platform..aikhow came. headed to wisma to collect his fone that he went to send for service. kris fone got problem agains.. so she need to go back collect 3days ltr. went to forever21. saw pretty nice clothes(: gonna get it from the web^^ ate pepper lunch @ takashimaya. rahhs! went to guess.. nth catch my eye ): we jus keep walking and walking.. from orchard to marina square. we almost got knocked by cars=.= weather is bloody hot! anderson went to eat mac.. den we headed to newbie.. the hoodie aikhow wanted was no longer available.. he is lyk dun believe.. den keep wanting to go bishan outlet to check.. Zz... den we went azabu sabo for dessert. aikhow and kris duno lyk got a little tiff. den she jus left. couldn't contact her cox her fone in service.. Zz.. den we cun find her jiu go bishan with aikhow.. the hoodie really not availble luhhs.. den he lyk sad? afterthat went home. Doing Ace-learning now.. thanks theorell sister and my keaiis for help! wahhs.. if not i think 12midnight i oso cannot finish luhs D; today need burn midnight oil le.. haven study maths and f&n ! SHUTTS!
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