just back from the flea! im totally exhausted. Great day w Giselle! we spent probably 7-8hrs at s*cape! ohgod, no pain no gain. more money for my usa trip ;B
i need to exercise!
weather, please dont get so fucked up. its been days since I feel the wind. my weight make me traumatise. WORLD IS UNFAIRRRRRRRRRR.
So im here stucked for my assignment for marketing for hours, god dammit, i have to complete it tonight and i have so much trouble evaulating everything. somehow some things just doesn't match and its super irritating to tabulate stuffs. sick of assignments, sick of work. Today theres no work for me, its the only day i can have an afternoon nap with no alarms. ohmy, i really need loads of sleeps. Its just so comfortable to just stay at home, nothing switched on, except the aircon. love chatting with my grandma on the phone while lying on my bed. hahaha, very fortunate to have such a lovely grandmother, i love her so much. Was during my assignments and watching inlaws, i bet people are like watching it for 30episodes and i just knew about it! hahaha, i know im super slow at tv programs! i even have problems on how to on my television!
Now, sitting in front of my laptop like a boss. staring at my assignments like "wtf" . i wanna watch inlaws, i wanna watch the show ranie is acting in, some taiwan shows. Was looking at the news and saw that the america tonados are so bad. Lucky my cousin is not affected! its so scary! how can people even mange to take a video of tonados! insane, totally.
i want to play this, looks fun ;)
Now, sitting in front of my laptop like a boss. staring at my assignments like "wtf" . i wanna watch inlaws, i wanna watch the show ranie is acting in, some taiwan shows. Was looking at the news and saw that the america tonados are so bad. Lucky my cousin is not affected! its so scary! how can people even mange to take a video of tonados! insane, totally.
i want to play this, looks fun ;)
Chalet pics, i only have all these in my camera! lazy to upload the others as they probably gonna post it when they are free! ;) chalet was good, bbq was good, drinking was awesome. the worse is i got bit by some insects causing my leg to swell, has been for days and i dont see any better yet. screw the doctor that scamed me, dont wanna interpret more. my leg hurts :( WHATEVER, dont leave me a scar please. came across cleo and london weight management has this gss offer $10 for 2sessions. wtf, i super tempted to go, but i have no guts! hahahah, sucks to be me.
I gonna get ready to go suntanning! BYE

I gonna get ready to go suntanning! BYE
blogger was down for a while so i didn get to blog! Cant wait for this month to pass real fast, so i can get out of work, and concentrate on my last two modules. have a strong feeling that if i dont do well this time, i doubt any school in overseas wants me! hahahas! sent my application 2days ago, *fingers crossed*.
Less than a month time to my 18th birthday and my trip to usa, what else can i ask for? hahahah! i gonna club once im 18! no more sneaking in okay!!! ;) LIFE'S GOOD.

Busy finding a pretty black dress to attend my cousins wedding! do help me out please, if u see any pretty short black dress, TELL ME. black is the easiest but those that i love is always out of sizes in asos. dammit! I cant wait to hug my cousin when i see her, have been whatsapping her almost everyday! i want to see the most beatiful bride on 1july! CANT WAIT CANT WAIT!! somehow i feels that its something very different from singapore, the way they celebrate etc. looking at tumblr saw some cute ones! Amanda gonna be the most beautiful bride heh! i wanna see her wedding gown so badly!

JOANNE is turning 18 IN TWO DAYS! SO JEALOUS! hahahah ;) she gonna club w me on my bday! weeheheheh! chalet tmr!! just love my life now.
Less than a month time to my 18th birthday and my trip to usa, what else can i ask for? hahahah! i gonna club once im 18! no more sneaking in okay!!! ;) LIFE'S GOOD.
Busy finding a pretty black dress to attend my cousins wedding! do help me out please, if u see any pretty short black dress, TELL ME. black is the easiest but those that i love is always out of sizes in asos. dammit! I cant wait to hug my cousin when i see her, have been whatsapping her almost everyday! i want to see the most beatiful bride on 1july! CANT WAIT CANT WAIT!! somehow i feels that its something very different from singapore, the way they celebrate etc. looking at tumblr saw some cute ones! Amanda gonna be the most beautiful bride heh! i wanna see her wedding gown so badly!
JOANNE is turning 18 IN TWO DAYS! SO JEALOUS! hahahah ;) she gonna club w me on my bday! weeheheheh! chalet tmr!! just love my life now.
Im like spamming post today! hahaha! btw, do help me vote for my friend jolyn giselle in the Fashion Fast Forward (Singapore)Style Scouts finalist showcase! shes the coolest and prettiest girl there so do vote for her okay! i really think she deserve it! hahhaahah (Y)
order and payment by 10may 11pm,
1234567.. a week pass really fast! 26days to exam, 33days to ohio? ohgod, have not been paying attention in lectures for a while.
Received my business statistics results 2days ago. got a distinction like finally. Doubt ill have another A anymore..
Yeaps, exams in a month and I'm not doing anything yet. Working almost everyday. Sound super boring, but well, I have too many things to buy in usa and totally can't wait to shop with mandy! How I wish that I can just leave singapore and not come back.:( this is life. I wanna go usa for long! Planning a trip with yingying to europe on the coming march. I probably do need to save a lot again. Why is it so difficult to earn gd money?! Sick and tired of working.
Lucky, I have a big break in June.
Received my business statistics results 2days ago. got a distinction like finally. Doubt ill have another A anymore..
Yeaps, exams in a month and I'm not doing anything yet. Working almost everyday. Sound super boring, but well, I have too many things to buy in usa and totally can't wait to shop with mandy! How I wish that I can just leave singapore and not come back.:( this is life. I wanna go usa for long! Planning a trip with yingying to europe on the coming march. I probably do need to save a lot again. Why is it so difficult to earn gd money?! Sick and tired of working.
Lucky, I have a big break in June.