Teachers day tomorrow, No school! (: You will never expect what me, orlena, yilin, jonathan lim and zhenjie gave to our lovely teachers! Hahaha! we gave them UMBRELLA! :D transparent ones and wrote our names in it. I think its kinda meaningful!
Mrs Periera didn turn up today ): stayed in class during physics. PE was fun! Mr hafeez period was funny! Maths was normal. Mrs loo was shocked when jonathan gave her that umbrella. Still remembers her expression! haha! Ended lessons at 12. went to ish, had a little briefing on the cca award thingy. They spelled kris name wrongly on the cert.! concert is kind boring exept for the little moonwalk.
Went home straight. gave geography crt a miss. was feeling dizzy then ate panadols and went to sleep. Studied alone at night. Movie and astons with avril tomorrow :D
Love rainy days (: nice days to sleep ! Feel like using the transparent umbrella i bought yesterday. Hahaha!
Wasnt a good girl yesterday. Didn study at all. But i did go for physics crt. went daiso with yilin, orlena, jonathan.lim and zhenjie. shopped there super longg.! Yilin leave afterthat. We then slacked at a void deck for 2 1/2hours? hahha! seemed that our ass are glued to the chairs. =S Homed, bathed and went to kris house for a while before going to grandma's house for dinner. Bought her the oreo cheesecake i did previously. Hahah!
Rain makes me feel like sleeping again! tution later !):
Wasnt a good girl yesterday. Didn study at all. But i did go for physics crt. went daiso with yilin, orlena, jonathan.lim and zhenjie. shopped there super longg.! Yilin leave afterthat. We then slacked at a void deck for 2 1/2hours? hahha! seemed that our ass are glued to the chairs. =S Homed, bathed and went to kris house for a while before going to grandma's house for dinner. Bought her the oreo cheesecake i did previously. Hahah!
Rain makes me feel like sleeping again! tution later !):
Back from ert. Tired, really. Jonathan made me think twice if i should continue on my combined humantities when im so trying to get the facts but just failed to do so. Should i just concentrate on pure literature? On the other hand, super risky! But im running out of timeeee! 8weeks more ! I need to spend more time on science too! sucked at chemistry! arggh!
PTM tomorrow! 1030am. Mum gonna nag at my results! :O
PTM tomorrow! 1030am. Mum gonna nag at my results! :O
Back from school (: Flunked prelims. Passed 4subjects only. Went to maths crt at 9am today. Mrs Loo caught me not saying the pledge. D: Social studies, mr goh talked to us abt our prelims.. He told us that Our class broke the past years record by scoring 69 F9s. Pretty shocking. Mugging on subjects now. I do not have enough sleep recently! My dark eye circles is super scary now ): Going evening revision now. Byebyesss!
Bytheway, Look at this!! Mr tan and miss jenny took part in the cadbury contest! HAHAHA!! cant stop laughing! Vote for them laa (:
Bytheway, Look at this!! Mr tan and miss jenny took part in the cadbury contest! HAHAHA!! cant stop laughing! Vote for them laa (:
Just back from english o level oral examination. its easy, but i dont think i did well. Perharps too nervous being the first one. I must pass english no matter what!
Tired of studying! ):
Tired of studying! ):
Back from school early today. Night class later! Have yet finish physics 124questions! Chinese was little fun for the first time. Lucky to be in mr hafeez group for chemistry crts starting next week. Looked through chemistry paper today.. Had so many careless mistakes. Arggh! hate it. i need to be real seriousss now!
Back from Ert! Did revisions for science. Think that the environment is little noisy, especially with Mr Goh's voice! contributed to the noise pollution! Hahhaa! Got back fnn results, FAILED. got back combined science results, FAILED. Feel like crying but avril say No! had mos burger for lunch and headed home. Bathed and met rachel and jingzhi at compass and went for Ert.
I cant cant cant SLEEP! Getting Chinese O Level results tomorrow 1130. Im excited to know, but afraid that I didn do well. Well, what has been done cant be undone. Hahha! POSITIVE!++++++ hehee!
Lucks to all! (:
I cant cant cant SLEEP! Getting Chinese O Level results tomorrow 1130. Im excited to know, but afraid that I didn do well. Well, what has been done cant be undone. Hahha! POSITIVE!++++++ hehee!
Lucks to all! (:
Buck up!
Well, wrong choice to go to school today! kinda, no.. pretty boring! Forgot there's PE today. didn bring PE attire.
Chem was next. No papers back, but its a confirm fail for me. Had a survery during mr hafeez period. He came to talk to me and jingzhi. Somehow his words really make me feel super motivated and my mindset is " I MUST do well!" Really need to thank mr hafeez a lot. He keeps encouraging me when im already like kinda sian of failing! Hahaha!
Got back maths. B4 for me. Still think theres much room for improvement. Still very disappointing and not satisfied. Gotta practise more, of course.
English was fucked. got 49.6! not even a pass. DAMN! nxt week will be having o level oral. Think im so dead. How how howhowhow? I really have no idea how to improve my bloody english in 70days! oh my tian!
Had pepper lunch with jingzhi and rachel at hougang mall. Cabbed there.
Lastly, had 2bets with Weijie! Cant loseeeeee
Chem was next. No papers back, but its a confirm fail for me. Had a survery during mr hafeez period. He came to talk to me and jingzhi. Somehow his words really make me feel super motivated and my mindset is " I MUST do well!" Really need to thank mr hafeez a lot. He keeps encouraging me when im already like kinda sian of failing! Hahaha!
Got back maths. B4 for me. Still think theres much room for improvement. Still very disappointing and not satisfied. Gotta practise more, of course.
English was fucked. got 49.6! not even a pass. DAMN! nxt week will be having o level oral. Think im so dead. How how howhowhow? I really have no idea how to improve my bloody english in 70days! oh my tian!
Had pepper lunch with jingzhi and rachel at hougang mall. Cabbed there.
Lastly, had 2bets with Weijie! Cant loseeeeee
Yippeee! gonna meet avril to watch the proposal later (: Well, i have not been studying in the past few days. have been shopping online EVERYDAY. watching 3movies in a week! hahah! there goes my moneyyy):
I feel like organising sprees again! like forever21, gojane blah blah. Theres too many things i want eh. HEHE! Anyone interested to get stuff there? Bad thing is, i need to wait for orders. DAMN!
I feel like organising sprees again! like forever21, gojane blah blah. Theres too many things i want eh. HEHE! Anyone interested to get stuff there? Bad thing is, i need to wait for orders. DAMN!
HELLO! yesterday went ot the beach with kris, chrystal, anderson, weijie and daniel. Met chrystal and anderson ard 11pm sharp and buangkok to get food :D den headed to east coast park! Weijie brought a tent, and we barberqued outside the tent. shiok! love the breeze of the sea! wanted to watch sunrise. but a heave downpour came DD; all hid under a shelter and we ran to a very far bus stop to take bus. We are all drenched! That bus uncle is so sweet to turn off the air con for us! :D ENJOYED!