Rules : Answer 20 questions below and tag 8 people in your list.people who are chosen are to do this quiz! no others! list them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she had been tagged , whoever who has the tag will have a blessing from all.
1) If you have a chance to go out with a person you like and your favourite celebrity for the whole day , what will you do ?
2) How do you feel now?
-bloated. just had my dinner(:
3) If you can fufil one wish,what would it be?
4) Who are you thankful to?
-family and friends
5) Important wishes for now?
6)If you can turn something into the past back , what would it be?
-back to sec1
7) What your main priorities now?
-Pass at least 5subjects for EOY
8)What make you happy?
9) What do you wanna change in you?
-Dun be so spendid
10) What song can represent your feeling now?
11) What kind of person you hate the most?
-you hate me i hate you? lols
12) Are there anything you wish to confess now?
-1plus8 rocks!
13) What is your definition of a dream house?
-aston resisdence
14) Who will you go to if you're feeling low one day?
15) What you hope to achieve?
-good results?
16) What age do you wish to get married?
-im still young;D
17) Who do you regret the most in your life?
18) Who made you angry the past few days?
19) Would you prefer to hang out with your boyfriend / girlfriend or your friends?
20) What school is the person you like in?
ANyone can do it
8.30am, mother went to meet mrs loo to get my report book. was super pissed. not gonna say anymore.. met jingzhi @10+am. den went to werk together(: ayton and jingzhi 1st day there;D many funny things happened! hahaas, they enjoy yahs! ate pasta afterthat(: den accompanied them to clinic for injection. home sweet home
went oral today. lolx. i bet i gonna fail~ lunched with ziding, rachel, jingzhi, ayton and weixiang @mac. homed afterthat. bathed and went to trim my fringe. met kris @ dental afterwards. headed to kovan for yoshinoya bcox KRIS dying for it ;D saw chuanhui and lame partner dere. hahhas. andy 1st day today at ph. wee~ homed and watching that fabulous show jingzhi lent me^^ BYES
8.30am, mother went to meet mrs loo to get my report book. was super pissed. not gonna say anymore.. met jingzhi @10+am. den went to werk together(: ayton and jingzhi 1st day there;D many funny things happened! hahaas, they enjoy yahs! ate pasta afterthat(: den accompanied them to clinic for injection. home sweet home
went oral today. lolx. i bet i gonna fail~ lunched with ziding, rachel, jingzhi, ayton and weixiang @mac. homed afterthat. bathed and went to trim my fringe. met kris @ dental afterwards. headed to kovan for yoshinoya bcox KRIS dying for it ;D saw chuanhui and lame partner dere. hahhas. andy 1st day today at ph. wee~ homed and watching that fabulous show jingzhi lent me^^ BYES
woke up late and rushed to school for maths lessons. phew, i shdn even go lor.. waste of time. KFC-ed with peeps and went kovan with jingzhi andy and ayton.. weixiang tagged along. went home afterthat. kris like soo vexed abt chalet thingy.. haiz.. duno what to do or say D; ltr she get pissed again.. RAHHS. drop those unhappy matters! ANGELA concert on this sunday!!! ;DDD i cant wait! hahaas. i bet avril and ziding cant wait for click5 concert too yeahs((:
rahhs! im just so exhausted. werking and managing my blogshop. tsk, maybe i should close my blogshop. super lazy to manage it already. Zz.. but i need $$$$$$$$$$$$$! goshh~!
met jingzhi and andy @ 11am @ kovan.. they wanna go interview at ph. ayton joined later too;D avril last min cannot meet for movies): waited for ziding @ bus interchange. thanks andy and ayton for waiting with me ;) afterdat, went mos burger for lunch with andy and ziding. waited for kris there.. andy went home afterthaat. so headed to ps with girlfriends. and we saw.... MDM WOO~ LOLs. she stays at serangoon too. hahhas. GREAT SINGAPORE SALES IS AWESOME! i think i need to earn more money for shopping! rahhs! so horrible without cash): went secret recipe and sat down and chat;D ziding left afterthat): kris and i headed to orchard. theres lyk sooo many people~! go into 1 shop oso squeeze here and there. Zzz... went kovan for newyorknewyork afterdat. okays, i need to go sch for the whole week next week! Zzz..
MONDAY- CCA 1pm -3pm
Tele marketing- 6pm-9pm
TUESDAY- Maths - 10.30am to 11.45pm
Tele marketing 6pm-9pm
WEDNESDAY- CCA- 8am to 10.30am
Meet parents
PH- 12pm-5pm? not confirmed.
Tele marketing 6pm-9pm
THURSDAY- ORAL 10am-12pm
Tele marketing 6pm-9pm
FRIDAY- Maths 10.30am-11.45am
CCA 1pm-3pm
Tele marketing 6pm-9pm
SUNDAY- Dental Appointment
ANGELA concert! 8pm onwards

MONDAY- CCA 1pm -3pm
Tele marketing- 6pm-9pm
TUESDAY- Maths - 10.30am to 11.45pm
Tele marketing 6pm-9pm
WEDNESDAY- CCA- 8am to 10.30am
Meet parents
PH- 12pm-5pm? not confirmed.
Tele marketing 6pm-9pm
THURSDAY- ORAL 10am-12pm
Tele marketing 6pm-9pm
FRIDAY- Maths 10.30am-11.45am
CCA 1pm-3pm
Tele marketing 6pm-9pm
SUNDAY- Dental Appointment
ANGELA concert! 8pm onwards
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! was rather bored? didn attend cca. lunched @ yoshinoya. hehhs, i almost lost my wallet! wanted to take mrt home.. den i couldn't find my wallet =S went to find kiazhi den she accompany me go back yoshinoya.. den my wallet is dere =.= thanks kiazhi! hahhass. took bus with her and went to my ahmahs hse.. home i was;D
time passed in sch was damn slow today. duno why luhs): rahhs.. mrs loo wanna meet my parents! sian ahhs! after sch lunched with gfrenes. headed to vivo to meet kris.. den went to raffles place to meet keais for the briefing. KNN! that fucking man in white shirt where bu shuang huhhs? Zzz.. went dere.. den took the lift right up to 14th floor.. den suddenly, that zhabor say those below 18 please leave! waliew! sibei HOT lahs~! at the main entrance cannot say mehs? need go up and down. the lift very nice ahhs? lousier than my house 1 can?! Zzz.. PISSED! keai was lyk sooo angry. obviously, everyone was ANGRY! and keai, pls dun blame yourself! its not your fault at all! CHEER UP YEAHS! hope you like the pressie i gave you lahs ;D afterthat, went PS to shop.. eat with kris.. sat down and chitchat agains. den went shopping. homed ard 10? soo tired! tmr werk agains ><
Quiz by JINGZHI(:
#1 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
depends on what he betrayed.
#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
be rich(:
#3 what will your dream wedding be like?
never thought of that D;
#4 What would you do with a billion dollars ?
get my dream house and shop like how tai tais do ;DDD
#5 what's your ideal lover like?
Be there whenever i need him.
#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved.
#7 How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
till i dun like him.
#8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Give up. And give them blessings?
#9 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
#11 What cheers you up the fastest ?
gfrens and t(:
#12 how do you see yourself in ten years time?
#13 who is currently the most important people to you?
#14 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
CHEERFUL(: shes always on the positive side!
#15 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
#16 what's the first thing you do every morning?
Open my eyes? =O
#17 would you give all in a relationship?
Sometimes =x
#18 if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
#19 what type of friends do you like?
#20 what if the guy you like who is attached confess to you?
impossible? lols
#1 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
depends on what he betrayed.
#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
be rich(:
#3 what will your dream wedding be like?
never thought of that D;
#4 What would you do with a billion dollars ?
get my dream house and shop like how tai tais do ;DDD
#5 what's your ideal lover like?
Be there whenever i need him.
#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being loved.
#7 How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
till i dun like him.
#8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Give up. And give them blessings?
#9 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
#11 What cheers you up the fastest ?
gfrens and t(:
#12 how do you see yourself in ten years time?
#13 who is currently the most important people to you?
#14 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
CHEERFUL(: shes always on the positive side!
#15 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
#16 what's the first thing you do every morning?
Open my eyes? =O
#17 would you give all in a relationship?
Sometimes =x
#18 if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
#19 what type of friends do you like?
#20 what if the guy you like who is attached confess to you?
impossible? lols
homed @ 2.20pm ;D no assembly. sryy ziding that i didn lunched with you): meeting jingzhi to werk now. goodbyes(:
vesak day~! werk in the morning at pizzahut. went to shop with kris after werk. chrystal and rachel joined us(: went to pennisula to get skinnes. but dun really like their material.. so didn get. rachel and chrystal went home afterdat. went shopping ard citylink den headed to marina square to eat. azabu sabo;DDD jus craving for their rice((: hees. we chatted for quite a while dere.. homed ard 10+
t fetched me to werk. hahaas, im not late today;D was rather not busy today.. someone came to find me and i dun noe hus the person lahs D; didn really bother. closing did sanitize and setting. ate pasta for dinner(: just received a call from P.T . lols? his drunk with his cousin at pasir ris park now.. still with his bike! aiyoos. hope they are okay luhs
yesterday got back all my marks combined?
English D7
Chinese C6
Emaths F9
Combine Science F9
humanities E8
Pure Literature B3
F&N C5
as u can see? failed 4 passed 3? WTF~! ridiculous. Zzz.. thanks mrs siva for pulling my marks up too yehs. after sch, went compass for lunch.. den headed to toapayoh with avril, kris and kiazhi. they went to make a shirt for their coach;D jojo came to join us too. afterthat, kris and kiazhi went home.. den me avril and jojo went to amk hub to watch. WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS! is a damn nice and funny show! go watch it! ard 10+, lame partner sms me " Switch off your phone by 11pm tonight. There is a massive radio shock wave tonight. Saw it on t'd news. harmful to our body so don't put your phone beside you tonight" ok.. duno real or fake.. but i just believe.. ps for those not replied sms. and ps ahh philip.. i didn on my phone ;P going to ahmahs hse. BYES;DD
English D7
Chinese C6
Emaths F9
Combine Science F9
humanities E8
Pure Literature B3
F&N C5
as u can see? failed 4 passed 3? WTF~! ridiculous. Zzz.. thanks mrs siva for pulling my marks up too yehs. after sch, went compass for lunch.. den headed to toapayoh with avril, kris and kiazhi. they went to make a shirt for their coach;D jojo came to join us too. afterthat, kris and kiazhi went home.. den me avril and jojo went to amk hub to watch. WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS! is a damn nice and funny show! go watch it! ard 10+, lame partner sms me " Switch off your phone by 11pm tonight. There is a massive radio shock wave tonight. Saw it on t'd news. harmful to our body so don't put your phone beside you tonight" ok.. duno real or fake.. but i just believe.. ps for those not replied sms. and ps ahh philip.. i didn on my phone ;P going to ahmahs hse. BYES;DD
as mentioned, my DOOM DAY today D; results all back. aiyas. expected >< only manage to pass chinese and pure literature? ohh myy. will i retain? ohh no way! i gna really buck up nxt half of the year! wooshh~ ltr going to werk. jingzhi is coming along ^^
today got back my english and chinese paper.. english= FAIL. chinese borderline passed. but my CA1 gonna pull everthing down.. expected D; after sch ate MAC. i haven been eating mac for lyk.. many days le D; after school, me and kris slowly take 159 to toapayoh to werk. meiyi meet us dere (: yays~ jingzhi gna join us tmr ;DD
lame partner- dun be too sad about your results lahs! do better in your o'levels ;D
tmr gna be my doom dayD;
ohya~! this are the pictures took ytd (:

lame partner- dun be too sad about your results lahs! do better in your o'levels ;D
tmr gna be my doom dayD;
ohya~! this are the pictures took ytd (:
just back from werk at toapayoh. l0ls. a lot funny things happen during werk laas. i waas calling agents 1/2way. den i call my own boss D; i really shock tio lahs =.= den LAH called the police accidentally. *LAUGHS* one agent asked for contact no. and i forgot my boss de number laa~! den i was lyk " HELLO.. helllo~~?? ehhs. i cannot hear you... ~ " den kupped the fone ;DDDD shuang.. laugh lyk hell. lols. yay~ got $ to shop tmr;D'
outing with gfrenes tmr ;DDD
i cun wait!
outing with gfrenes tmr ;DDD
i cun wait!
boo! im here to do keaiis quiz.. and kris ask me to do it too ;D same de lahs! hahahas
1. When will the Sun not shine and when will the World end?
Answer: im neither a scientist nor a predictor D;
2. What you want the most now?
Answer: MONEY x))
3. Do you believe in afterlife?
Answer: YEAHS;D
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
5. When do you wish to die?
Answer: never thought of this =S
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Answer: YES!
7. What is your goal for this year?
Answer: Able to promote to sec4E
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
Answer: dun really believe D;
9. Have you broken someone heart that he/she tried to comit suicide?
Answer: hmms.. commit suicide? NOPE
10. What are you thinking now?
Answer: Outing with girlfriends tmr;D
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Answer: I believe in feel(:
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Answer: Sort of. I cant live without friends
14. Is there anything you're looking forward to in the next few weeks?
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Answer: Friends and family.
16. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
Answer: friends and t((:
17. Do you find life meaningless?
Answer: NO MAN! life is interesting[[:
18. Who do you love the most?
Answer: girlfrens and t.
Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all.
and I wanna tag:
1. When will the Sun not shine and when will the World end?
Answer: im neither a scientist nor a predictor D;
2. What you want the most now?
Answer: MONEY x))
3. Do you believe in afterlife?
Answer: YEAHS;D
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
5. When do you wish to die?
Answer: never thought of this =S
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Answer: YES!
7. What is your goal for this year?
Answer: Able to promote to sec4E
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
Answer: dun really believe D;
9. Have you broken someone heart that he/she tried to comit suicide?
Answer: hmms.. commit suicide? NOPE
10. What are you thinking now?
Answer: Outing with girlfriends tmr;D
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Answer: I believe in feel(:
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Answer: Sort of. I cant live without friends
14. Is there anything you're looking forward to in the next few weeks?
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Answer: Friends and family.
16. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
Answer: friends and t((:
17. Do you find life meaningless?
Answer: NO MAN! life is interesting[[:
18. Who do you love the most?
Answer: girlfrens and t.
Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all.
and I wanna tag:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEAI! finally you are sweet16((:
woke up at 9+. need werk today. it was fucking busy D; werk 11-6 non-stop. rahhs, im super hungry ): im not a robot lors. Hahhhas. met dad and mom for dinner after my werk. HAPPY MOTHER's DAY;D
Not in the mood to study for my F&N. rahhs, forget it. time for my napp((:
woke up at 9+. need werk today. it was fucking busy D; werk 11-6 non-stop. rahhs, im super hungry ): im not a robot lors. Hahhhas. met dad and mom for dinner after my werk. HAPPY MOTHER's DAY;D
Not in the mood to study for my F&N. rahhs, forget it. time for my napp((:
today woke up at 12+ or 1 lahs.. t called me den i go sleep agains. PHILIP TAN th bastard wake me up again luh!! shou bu liao le lahhs! bleahs, that biosexual ;DDDD he admit himself de lors. hahahahaas. went to bathe den go to my grandma hse.. t fetched me dere. hahaas. jasper ahh di go pierce he's septum-.- lol. i wanna see how he look lyk luhs. chaoahbeng~! going t meet zd and frenes le. byebye(: